Posts Tagged ‘introduction’

Hello world!

June 25, 2009

Ok, well…hello world 😀 Hopefully, the title gives a big hint as to what this blog will be about…<suspenseful music> books!!!

When I left India in 1998, I was already a bookworm-however, a bookworm that had never met a library. Well, actually more like a bookworm who only had access to libraries where a)you made a downpayment for membership and b) you paid a fee for each book you checked out 😦 I have to say, my parents were awesome to give me access to even that, especially since my dad was not working-we were  getting ready to leave India for the land of opportunity-U.S.A. So, my first introduction to the american lifestyle was in the form of Sweet Valley High!  Hah, by the way-I was pretty disillusioned to find out that high school was not the soap opera Sweet Valley made it out to be. So, anyways, back to the topic- that library gave me the starting point to an addiction. I came to America as this 10 year old kid with my prized possessions, two books-Titanic-The Long Night by Diana Hoh and The Lost World- Michael Crichton. And, I was sad because I had to give up the hundreds of books that I had accumulated over the years, no luggage space- and extra costs…a lot…even back then. I didn’t even find out about the existence of a  library, a public library-a free public library until about a year later. Well, let me tell you, as soon as I heard about it- I hustled to that free library of mine and got me a library card- which I got during an anniversary year-so, my card was golden, with beautiful fireworks engraved…did I mention it was golden- an auspicious beginning wouldn’t you say 😛

Which brings me to now, about 10 years later. Long story made short, my reading taste at one point was diverse and varied and then…I discovered romance novels and I have been reading them  exclusively for close to 6-7 years, during which point I also discovered personal development books, which I have been reading for close to 4 years now. And,  then I discovered blogs…So, I have been focused rather exclusively focused on these three genres (which I don’t think, I can say blogs are a genre) but there you have  it.  And, I am rather disappointed in myself, because I want to expose myself to different ways of thinking and writing. Ooh, I am getting so many new ideas to explore just by writing this introduction. By, the way I am in no way ashamed of reading romance novels, reading that genre (while sadly avoiding the classics in class-I relied on cliffnotes for that) still got me that 800 in the SATs, the writing was another matter entirely 😛

This, I realize is a long ass introduction, but I am using this blog as a tool for myself- to think, to analyze, to wake up… I have been passively receiving this information for so long, that I am failing myself as an individual. Harsh, but true-information is no good, unless you put it to good use. And, I have been trying to figure out a way to put out value, and I think this one of the biggest ways that I can give back…by sharing my love for books with the blogworld 😀

So, up on my upcoming review list is Angel’s Blood by Nalini Singh